Digital Restauration
Reproduction photography is one of my commercial specialties. It requires absolute precision and control to achieve accurate results.
Working with precious original artworks and old photographs is a privilege. Preserving them by enabling digital archiving as well as enabling reproduction via printing is an important task and a service I gladly offer.
Digitizing a precious original with high-end equipment in a controled studio environment.
Preservation or Restauration
I am a staunch advocate of preserving the object in the state it is currently in rather than creating an artificial restauration that might be based upon interpretation.
The digitized original without any adjustments - perfect for archiving purposes.
However, certain retouching actions like removal of dust and lint as well as scratches are often necessary to get a desireable result. By utilizing modern imaging software and skill, such edits do not interpet the original. While this is a time consuming process, it is necessary to deliver the best possible result to the client.
The digitally restaurated version of the first image.
Only in certain cases I recommend digitally restoring the original. I carefully assess which parts of the original can be restored based upon reference areas.
Additional adjustments like sharpening and color conversion can be applied in the pre-print stage.
The sharpened image ready for print or use in online galleries. Note the grain-level sharpness and the original softness of the photograph.
Also check out my reproduction photography guide for beginners.