Is the OM System OM-3's 8-bit Footage "Soft"?

Some reviewers have suggested that the OM System OM-3's 8-bit movie capture using the H.264 codec produces soft footage. Is this true?

The short answer: No. For the longer answer, please continue reading.

The Test

For this controlled test, I set up a high dynamic range studio scene illuminated by two high-end LED panels. The following base settings were used:

  • OM-Log400

  • 4K 3,840×2,160

  • L-GOP

Exposure was set so that the LED light on the right is mostly below an IRE of 109 - measured by the OM System OM-3 internally.

I captured the exact same scene with these settings using both the H.264 8-bit capture and the H.265 10-bit capture.

The Results

Comparing the footage revealed the following:

  • There is no difference in sharpness or resolution.

  • The tone and color response is slightly different – this is intentional as OM-Log400 utilizes different color gamuts depending on the set bit depth and codec: H.264 uses P3-D65 and H.265 uses BT.2020

  • Both capture options deliver excellent tonal transitions and high quality needed for professional applications.

Closing Remarks

The differences some reported most likely stem from not using the exact same settings (e.g. leaving the image stabilizer on), conducting a test under non-laboratory conditions, some post-processing-related error in the test workflow, or a firmware issue with the specific camera tested. Note that the latter is quite unlikely but was mentioned for the sake of completeness.


The OM-3's advanced picture profiles (OM-Log400, HLG, Flat, OM-Cinema1, and OM-Cinema2) are designed to provide only a base level of sharpness, giving editors more flexibility in post-production. Ready-to-use footage with high acutance can be captured in 8-bit H.264, utilizing the standard Picture Modes.

To demonstrate this, I recorded a simple test scene illuminated by the worst low-quality flickering light source I could find. The footage was exposed at ISO 800 with a mid-range lens at its widest aperture, with the camera in hand.

Using the Natural picture profile with the OM-3 set to 4K capture, the resulting footage was nevertheless crisp and sharp, impressively showcasing the camera's sophisticated sharpening algorithms.

Picture Profile Natural, H.264, 8-bit in 4K


Exhibition: Thomas Eisl x Yara Mar at SMArt Café Vienna