Praise From a Legend

There is always this one photographer or artist, who inspires you more than any other. His work resonates with you like no one else’s.

For me, this photographer is Jacques Schumacher. Born in 1933 in the Netherlands, he is often called the “Grandseigneur” of German photography. His photographs are not only visually pleasing and full of creativity, but also loaded with double or triple meanings. His iconic images are well known from advertisements and exhibitions alike. If you are not familiar with him, take a look at his website immediately, you won’t regret it.

For me, it were especially his “Blue Pictures” that inspired me to take up art nude photography.

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So when I recently published my series “Backstage Blue” I gathered my courage and sent the legend a message. I did not really ask for critique, as I do not consider my work to be on par with his at all. To my complete and utter surprise, he actually answered and critiqued the series as “excellent” and emphasized that he likes the fact that my work was shot on analog film.

There are a few moments in life which affirm that one has made the right decisions. That the path one has chosen was and still is the right one. This was one such moment for me and I am forever thankful for that experience.

I am a photographer and always will be.

But it is not just Jacques Schumacher’s critique that keeps me going as a creative. Every remark - be it positive or negative - helps me to continue my journey as an Artist.

Thanks to all of you!



Air Dusters


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