Foto Wien 21 Postponed

While the loss of human life is definitely the worst side of the pandemic, the art (photography) also suffered a lot. Many artists struggle for survival because there are no art shows to present and sell their work.

While I got through the pandemic quite OK, it would be too positive to state that it did not impact my work financially and mentally. One of the most recent developments hit me quite hard.

Another COVID-19 Victim

In march 2021, I would have been honored to exhibit my work at the prestigious art festival FOTO WIEN in Vienna, Austria together with some excellent artists and acquaintances of mine. Yesterday I got the sad news that it was cancelled. Well, actually it is postponed until next year.

While I hope that I can still put my photography on display at the show in 2022, there is still the uncertainty whether the curators will change the overall theme and whether my work will still fit in there.

Am I bitter? Yes, a little bit. But it is better to have a good and safe event in 2022 than to have an exhibition with almost no visitors this year.

So let me end with positive thoughts: My picture would have been printed on the folder - Yay!

Foto Wien 2021 - it would have been a blast

Foto Wien 2021 - it would have been a blast


I'm not a camera collector, but...


From Focomat IIc to Focomat Ic