I'm not a camera collector, but...

Photographer vs. Camera Collector

I consider myself a photographer, not a camera collector. As a strong advocate of minimalism, I only keep a few cameras that I need for my work. I find owning too many cameras to be a distraction and detrimental to the creative process.


… as I mentioned last time, I decided to sell my Focomat IIc enlarger and a fellow photographer offered me:

  • a Nikon FM2T

  • a Nikon F3HP

  • a Nikon F4

  • a Nikon F5

  • a Rodagon 50mm f/2.8 APO

and a few other very nice things.


At first I was hesitant because it took me quite some time to sell off superfluous cameras in my possession but then I thought of this little blog of mine and said to myself: This is the time to get some interesting items to try out and review.

What can I say so far? The cameras are absolutely awesome - they needed some cleaning and the finder of the F4 required a small repair, but apart from that, I’m super exited to try them and review them properly in the course of the year.

Which one of these cameras would you like to shoot with the most?


Slide Film!


Foto Wien 21 Postponed