Slide Film!

Fortunate Findings!

Almost by accident I came into possession of a Leica Pradovit PC slide projector - it is Leica’s last slide projector and an amazing piece of equipment.

Slide Film in the 21st Century

After musing a little bit about slide film, it started to dawn on me: Slide film might be the best way to create analog color photographs in the 21st century.


The Professional’s Choice

Slide film outresolves C41 color film and offers incredible sharpness. This article by onlandscape is very insightful.

No wonder it was the professional’s choice when analog was used commercially on a large scale.

It’s long term stability is also much better than C41 film - making it an archival choice.

Finished Product

One thing I like about film photography is that each film stock has a “built in look” and unique properties. But when it comes to negative film, especially color film, the material offers many ways to interpret the positives.

This makes color converting C41 film inconvenient, especially when scanning. TSlide film avoids all these things - after development it is a finished product that is equally suitable for printing (after scanning), direct examination on the light table and of course for projection.

Not That Expensive

While print film is less expensive per roll, it is not necessarily cheaper. When you order small prints together with development, a roll of slide film and print film are equally expensive.

Slides Only?

Given these amazing advantages of slide film over color print film as well as the fact that my Leitz Pradovit is hungry for slides, I decided to go for it and bought a brick of Kodak E100 and some Fuji Provia 100F.

If I like the results, I might even stop shooting C41 altogether.


I sold my Nikon D700


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